Privacy Policy


We respect the confidentiality of your information and take privacy seriously, abiding by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). When we request personal information, we will normally explain why we need it, how it will be used and who we may share it with.


Collection of personal information


Personal information is collected from individuals, their accountants and their advisors for the purpose of performing the superannuation related services detailed elsewhere in this website. The information is collected by electronic means and verbally.  The information collected may include:

  • Name, address, date and place of birth

  • Employment details

  • Financial information such as bank account details and investment details.

  • Use of personal information

Red Willow Super Pty Ltd uses the personal information supplied in order to provide the superannuation services we offer. We do not disclose personal information for any other purpose.


Disclosure of personal information


Personal information is not provided to any entity other than in direct relation to the provision of the services for which you engage Red Willow Super Pty Ltd. These entities include the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), auditors of the superannuation fund, technical specialists engaged by Red Willow Super Pty Ltd or any specialists engaged by the SMSF trustees.